Contabo 是老牌德国服务器厂商,成立于2003年,距今已经有17年历史,官网是。Contabo的服务器以高性价比高、质量稳定而著称,深受国内外消费者喜爱,海外建站尤其推荐。
We are happy to announce that as of today, Contabo started accepting U.S. dollars alongside euros. By introducing USD, we are fulfilling on one of the most frequently received requests from you!
New customers can pick the currency on the website. Existing customers can also switch to USD.
To celebrate that we are permanently waiving the Location Fees for all Dedicated Servers, VPS and Virtual Dedicated Servers in the United State purchased until April 1st, 2021.
More information about the U.S. dollar introduction, promotion and how to switch currency can be found on our blog.